Santiago High School's Counseling Department offers support in the following areas:
Grief and Loss
- Grief is the natural, healthy response to any significant loss. But even though it is natural, the grief process can be isolating and confusing. This small group provides a safe, nurturing space where members can express their thoughts and feelings about their loss and daily experiences. Please check in with your counselor or Ms. Sullivan if you would like to attend.
- The purpose of anger management is to help a person decrease anger. This small group explores the process of managing anger, identify stressors, learn helpful steps to stay calm and how to handle tense situations in a constructive, positive way.
- Stress is an automatic physical, mental and emotional response to a challenging event and a normal part of everyone's life. When channeled positively, stress can lead to growth, action and change. Negative stress can lessen the quality of life. This small group will focus on skills to use to enhance one's ability to cope with adversity, practice relaxation techniques and improve personal relationships.
- TAP is designed to move teenage tobacco users toward wanting to quit using cigarettes, tobacco, nicotine, vape and other controlled substances. This small group wants to move participants through the stages of change and adopt a healthier lifestyle.
The First Step is to Contact Your Counselor:
Your first step is to contact your counselor and meet with him/her. Each counselor at Santiago high school is responsible for students whose last names start with their "Alpha".
Click on your counselor below and fill out the form to schedule an appointment with him/her.
Click on your counselor below and fill out the form to schedule an appointment with him/her.