A Message from SHS Counselors |
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Santiago High School Counseling Department Vision
The community of Santiago High School cultivates compassionate, innovative, and responsible students by providing opportunities for students to meet the challenges of the 21st century to become productive, contributing members of society.
Santiago High School Counseling Department Mission
This mission of Santiago High School’s Counseling Department is to provide all students with a strong foundation in the academic, social-emotional, and career domains of development.
Counselors provide social-emotional supports that address the needs of students while encouraging them to become lifelong learners and productive members of society through a Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) approach. Counselors use data to create college and career readiness programs that prepare students to compete in the global market. Counselors create opportunities for academic rigor whether students will be entering a university, community college, vocational school, military, or the workforce.
Counselors provide social-emotional supports that address the needs of students while encouraging them to become lifelong learners and productive members of society through a Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) approach. Counselors use data to create college and career readiness programs that prepare students to compete in the global market. Counselors create opportunities for academic rigor whether students will be entering a university, community college, vocational school, military, or the workforce.
Professional School Counseling
Professional school counselors are trained in both education and counseling, allowing them to function as a facilitator between parents, teachers, and students in matters concerning the student's goals, abilities and any area needing improvement. School Counselors are professional educators with a mental health perspective who understand and respond to the challenges presented by today's diverse student population.
- Individual and small group counseling (short term interventions)
- Crisis intervention counseling
- Conflict resolution and peer facilitation
- Consultation/collaboration
- Referrals to outside services (including mental and physical health)
- Student Advocacy
- Advocate for individual students
- Advocate for positive change in the school and the district
- Please click here for more information
Santiago Counseling Newsletter |
College and Career Center Newsletter |
Click here to go directly to the counseling newsletter |
Click here to go directly to the College and Career Center Newsletter |