List of Problems and Solutions
WiFi Difficulties
No WiFi / limited internet access due to technical issues DO NOT consider yourself excused from the work. |
If after the usual attempts to get it working (restart computer, router, etc.) it is still not working for you, contact tech support. As soon as it is up and running, email your teacher. |
Dear [Teacher], I wanted to let you know I did not have WiFi for (time period) and so was unable to complete work during that time. I plan to make up the work (during specific time). I will reach out to you when the work is complete/if I have questions. Thank you for understanding. Sincerely, [Name] |
No WiFi / limited internet access due to switching households DO NOT consider yourself excused from the work. |
Email your teacher. |
Dear [Teacher],
I wanted to let you know I do not/will not have WiFi during [time period] [optional: because I am with X parent/some other reason]. I want to be sure I am keeping up with school during that time so I was thinking I could [download assignments early to work on them offline / make them up once I have access to WiFi again / some other solution]. Is this OK or did you have another idea that you’d prefer I do? Thank you for being flexible. Sincerely, [Name] |
Grading Issues
Not sure why your grade is so low.
DO NOT give up! |
Click on the grade in Q Student Connect to see what is missing or bringing the grade down and email your teacher to problem-solve.
Dear [Teacher],
I noticed I have a [grade] in Skyward and when I checked it appears that I [am missing X assignment / did poorly on Y assessment]. I would like to work hard to bring my grade up. I plan to [make up missing X assignment / retake Y quiz] [on specific date/time]. Would that be acceptable? Is there anything in particular I need to know about making it up/doing a retake? Thank you for being flexible. Sincerely, [Name] |
You see a missing assignment in the gradebook and you cannot remember the assignment. DO NOT consider yourself excused from the work DO NOT give up |
Email your teacher to get the help you seek OR If your teacher has regular office hours / video conferences, attend one or more to get the help you seek. |
Dear [Teacher],
I noticed in the gradebook that I’m missing [assignment]. I’m not sure what this assignment is. Can you please explain it and/or direct me where to find it and what I need to do? I appreciate your help and will get this work completed right away, once I have the information I need to get it done. Thank you for helping me. Sincerely, [Name] |
Struggling to understand course content DO NOT consider yourself excused from the work DO NOT give up |
Email your teacher to get the help or if your teacher has regular office hours / video conferences, attend one or more to get the help you seek. |
Dear [Teacher], I am struggling to understand [specific content]. For example, [give a specific question you have, if you just say “it’s hard,” your teacher does not know how to help you]. Can you please help? If it’s something that can’t be explained over email, would you be willing to do a videoconference? I appreciate it, thank you. Sincerely, [Name] |
Feeling overwhelmed by all the late work you have DO NOT consider yourself excused from the work DO NOT give up |
Email your teacher for guidance on how to prioritize then follow through with the plan that you and your teacher designed. |
Dear [Teacher], I have so many missing assignments I don’t know where to start. I really want to succeed this quarter but it is all so overwhelming. What 1-3 assignments do you recommend I tackle first? I will get started on it today, and I will email you if I have additional questions. Thank you for your help, I appreciate it. Sincerely, [Name] |
Feeling Emotionally Drained
Extraordinary circumstances at home causing academic challenges (More than just “virtual learning is different from what I’m used to and is hard!” Ex: moving, health issue, loss/illness of a family member, job loss, having to work a lot to support family, major uncertainty about critical life needs: food, shelter, etc.) DO NOT give up! |
Email your guidance counselor and/or teacher[s] and/or administration and respond to them when they reply. |
Dear [School personnel], I wanted to let you know that right now I am dealing with [crisis situation] and it is very hard for me/my family. I am struggling to complete work but it is very difficult in these circumstances. I do want to succeed and am asking for your support. Can you please get in touch with me so we can talk about possible solutions? [OR: give possible solution ideas yourself! Ex: Would it be possible to [excuse or no-count X assignments / grade only Z assignments / drop my lowest grade / etc.]? Sincerely, [Name] |
Extraordinary circumstances at home causing social/emotional challenges (More than just “virtual learning is different from what I’m used to and is hard!” Ex: moving, health issue, loss/illness of a family member, job loss, having to work a lot to support family, major uncertainty about critical life needs: food, shelter, etc.) DO NOT give up! |
Email your guidance counselor and/or teacher[s] and/or administration: any trusted adult in the building will do. |
Dear [School personnel], I wanted to let you know that right now I am dealing with [crisis situation] and it is very hard for me/my family. My/Our most critical pressure/need right now is [describe]. What resources are available to help? Sincerely, [Name] |
Feeling unmotivated because everything is different. None of the above options apply to you. DO NOT consider yourself excused from the work DO NOT give up |
Do your work anyway
and/or Take responsibility for your decision and email your teacher to problem-solve |
Dear [Teacher], I have been feeling really unmotivated because this is such a wild situation. I don’t have any family issues or anything like that holding me back. I’ll be honest, I haven’t been putting a lot of work in, however I know this is not the right way to go about this and I know I will learn better, and develop more resilience and maturity by taking responsibility and completing the work. What 1-3 assignments do you suggest I tackle first to get on the right track / have the most impact on my learning? I will get started on it right away and will let you know if I am stuck or have questions. Thank you for understanding. Sincerely, [Name] |